Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technology is Eden Essay - 676 Words

Technology is defined as â€Å"the application of knowledge to extend human capabilities by equipment or a technique for performing a particular activity†. Technology has become very important part of our lives. I believe that technology in our lives is leading us to Eden. An Eden is a place of complete bliss and delight. Marshall McLuhans statement that â€Å"Invention is the mother of necessities† is very true. This is because if it were not for technology our work would not be as efficient or productive. New technologies and innovations became our necessities and we cannot live without them now that they have been introduced in our lives. Invention is a gale of creative destruction, and those gales lead to changes in the economy and then in†¦show more content†¦Technology doesn’t keep the person away from religion; in fact, technology is an aid for different religious groups to spread their religion. For example, the religion of Islam has many authent ic websites of its own, as well as, different channels on YouTube to promote videos of different scholars and lectures. It is educating people about the real message of the religion with help of technology. The younger generations are learning about different religions by reading about it from the information provided on websites. People in the past did not have many resources to learn about their religion before but now it has become very easy. It is up to the individual person to learn from the knowledge offered or to ignore it. Humanism believes that this world is important and that knowledge is important. With knowledge one is able to get more from technology and is benefitted. We all know technology has its ills but it is how you solve them that matters. With technology, our earth is facing the problem of overpopulation, pollution, globalization and economic collapse. To maintain population of developing countries, the developed countries should allow immigration. This will hel p the developing countries from being overpopulated and developed countries to not decline in population. In the past, technologies were not efficient and caused a lot of problems for the earth; however, weShow MoreRelatedStrategy and Eden Bay749 Words   |  3 PagesPlease read the TOWN of EDEN BAY case study on pages 91-92 of your textbook and answer the 4 questions listed at the end of page 92. Make sure to properly justify your answers. 1. Upon investigation, you learn that the town does not have a strategic plan or mission statement. in your view, does this affect the current situation? 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